Weekend stuff
2006-01-17 - 9:23 a.m.

I fininshed Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the night before last. I won't say anything to give away the ending, but I was quite frustrated by it. It left a lot of unanswered questions, which I guess was not unintentional, but I keep wondering if things are really how they seem. Guess I have to wait until book number 7 to find out. Now it's time to start the other book I got last week, which is called The Tokaido Road. I heard of the book years ago and happened to see it while I was looking for the Harry Potter books, so I picked it up. It's a fictional novel about the daughter of a feudal Japanese lord. Her father is executed and she's in danger, so she must travel in secrecy as a priest on the Tokaido Road to find the leader of the fighting men of her clan. I doubt that I'll have much time to read today though because I got the full 90 minutes I requested for work, plus B has been nagging to me to workout, which will leave me even less free time.

I downloaded a concert last week by another J-pop singer I liked named Gackt:

Check out his blue eyes! The concert was from Christmas Eve of '05. I haven't watched the whole thing yet but I've been watching bits of it here and there. It's too big to burn onto a DVD so I have to watch it on my computer. Anyway, it's a cool concernt so far. I noticed a few caucasian girls in the audience when they panned over it with the camera; wish I could've been there with them! I wonder if they were American or European?

Why is it when I start to write I can't remember what I wanted to write about? I'm trying to remember what we did this past weekend and I can't even remember that. Let's see...Saturday night I got pizza from Papa John's for dinner. That's noteworthy because I only eat pizza once every 2 or 3 months. B can't eat it so it's up to me to get it, but I'm almost always trying to "diet" so I only get it once in a while when I'm craving it really bad. Man, it was good, too. I got a medium with pepperoni, banana peppers and black olives. Yummm.... It's already all gone.

B and I watched the Panthers play the Bears Sunday and the Panthers won, so that was fun. I was finishing the Harry Potter book at the same time so I was only half-watching the game.

And just because I can't think of anything else to say, here's a picture of the cats looking cute laying in the recliner together in a rare moment of tolerance: