Motor-mouth Jersey girls
2006-08-10 - 8:42 p.m.

I asked for my usual amount of work today - 90 minutes of audio - and for the third day in a row I got a total of three files. This can be either great or sucky because 90 minutes spread out over only 3 audio files means that there's at least one really long interview there, and long interviews either mean 1) they're interpreted, or 2) the interviewee was difficult, long-winded or an idiot (or any combination thereof).

So today's work was partially good because one file was interpreted (those are always easier and I get paid more) and partially sucky because the longest file was not interpretted. It was an interview between two New Jersey women and first of all, they both talked a mile a minute and second, they constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY interrupted each other and/or talked over each other, and that makes for some teeth-clenching, ripping-your-hair-out transcription for yours truly. It took me all day just to do that one file, then I still had the other two files to do. At least I made some good money on it.

I've been getting a lot fall catalogs in the mail recently and, even though I don't enjoy cold weather, I love fall clothing, shoes and coats. Especially boots. I keep some of the catalogs just so I can look at the boots. Ch@dwicks has a pair of knee-high pink leather boots that I really want but it's hard to justify a purchase like that when I never leave the house. And really now, pink boots? How impractical is that? I guess it's not about practicality, though.

B and I have been talking about taking a trip to the beach in mid-September now that my surgery has been rescheduled for October 3. I guess I'll have to get a new swimsuit just for this trip because I don't have any that fit me right now, and of course after the surgery the swimsuit I buy for this trip will be too big. On the bright side, this is a great time to find bargains on swimsuits.

Potentially this could be our last trip to the beach here before we move so we really want to go. I just wish I could've had the surgery before the trip, though.

My ex-husband emailed me on my birthday last week to ask if I wanted the dishes that we received when we got married. Apparently, he's tried to sell them in several yard sales and they wouldn't sell, so I said I'd be happy to take them. I wonder why they wouldn't sell? They were hardly used at all and I thought they were really pretty. Oh, well. Maybe B and I can get some use out of them.

Well, my hands are feeling pretty worn out from all the typing today so I think I'll give them a rest. ^_^