Still working on it
2006-11-24 - 8:20 p.m.

Thank you Heather and Heather for your comments on my new layout. I *think* I know how I messed up the older entries page, but I still haven't figured out how to fix it.

You know how you have the option to change the code for your older.html page AND the older.html archive page? I think I changed the code for one of those and should've left it alone. I'm not sure exactly which one, though, and now that I've changed it I don't know what the original code was. Grrrr.

I wish there was a default button or something that I could click and change both the older.html page and the older.html archive page back to whatever the default code is. I don't really even know html. Most of the page building I do is in Imageready and Dreamweaver, so code isn't really my thing.

B tried to help me figure it out this evening, since he does know some html, but we really didn't get anywhere with it. I was getting to the point where I'd looked at it for so long my eyes were starting to cross, so I said let's take a break.

In other news, we had a pretty uneventful Thanksgiving yesterday. I did some work early in the day while B was working on school work, but I had most of the day off. We made our usual beefsteak and potato dinner; we've made it before and it's good, so we didn't try anything new. If anyone is interested in the recipe, let me know. It's pretty easy to put together, but it has to cook for two hours. It smells so good while it's cooking, too.

B had to work his usual shift today (half day) and I worked, too. When B got home he told me that his brother D told him that their oldest brother D2 announced that he was coming for a visit TODAY. Some of you may recall this guy - I know I've talked about him before. This is the guy who shows up announced and then is a rude guest, so at least he gave some warning this time. But he only told D he was coming and not us, so we can only assume that he's not planning on seeing us while he's here...but we can't be sure. This guy is driving here from Maryland, which is about eight hours away, and he's known to start driving late in the day, so it's entirely possible that he could come knocking on our door at midnight tonight.

If he does, though, we won't hear him because we've been running a space heater in the bedroom at night. It's not real loud, but it makes enough white noise to drown out most other noises. We now have three space heaters in the house; one in the bedroom, one in the den and one in the computer room. We lowered the overall temperature in the house and use these space heaters to heat only the rooms we're in, mostly the one in the computer room because that's where I spend the majority of the day when I'm working.

I am SO ready to move to a warmer place in Arizona and not have to worry about this stuff anymore. I hope we can find a place to live where it's not cold in the winter, but not boiling hot in the summer, either. I like it warm, but I don't need to be roasted, you know? I'd rather be too hot than too cold, though. That's just how I am.

It looks like we're going to have our little Christmas party on December 23. I thought of making some Christmas-themed drinks using Mid0ri, which is green, and incorporating some red marschino cherries, like as garnish or frozen inside ice-cubes or something. When I was a kid, we used to always have a rum cake on holidays and birthdays, so I'm thinking of making that, if I can find the recipe. We'll probably be supplying the turkey and dressing and everyone else will bring side dishes and whatnot.

Now, I hope my swelling goes down some before then! I've been using a rolling pin on my lumpy areas and it seems like my swelling has gotten worse. WTF? I hate this. I'm trying to be patient, but it's difficult.