Stuff 'n stuff
2007-08-22 - 4:41 p.m.

So far things are moving along okay with the getting-off-Wellbutr!n plan. I had already been taking it every other day for several months and seemed to be doing fine, so I recently lessened it to every third day and I plan to stay at this dosage for the next month at least. I'm taking it reeeeeally slow this time because I want to be off this stuff. I've been feeling less anxiety in general, but it's still there sometimes, and it seems to have no pattern. Like yesterday evening I started feeling short of breath. I have no idea why it started up right then and it's continued on into today, unfortunately. At least this will keep me movtivated to stick with my plan.

junkmel1, if you're still looking for some part-time transcription work after the first of the year, a great resource is the transcription message board I frequent: I may have given you that link already; I don't remember. Anyway, most places let you work as often or as little as you want. They're very flexible, although if you don't do any work at all for them over a certain period of time, like six months for example, they terminate your contract. It varies from place to place, though. I can help more with that later, if you like.

My work is still a bit slow so far this week. I requested work from both of my contracts for today and I still got finished around 3:30 p.m. This pretty early for me. I'm not sure how much money I made, but it probably wasn't much.

On the other hand, the invoicing this month for one of my contracts is all weird because of the number of days, so I'll be getting a large paycheck from them next Monday because it will cover 3 weeks of work. Whoo!

B and I went to the store (where B used to work) yesterday morning so B could help his brother fix a problem with a piece of the equipment. I went with him just kind of to get out of the house and have some contact with other humans, and I probably talked everybody's heads off while I was there. I used to be pretty quiet, but ironically working at home seems to have made me more outgoing.

I'm still struggling with acid reflux that was brought on by the prescription that I asked my OB/GYN for back in June. I only took it for 5 days, but it really wrecked my stomach apparently. I had a problem with acid reflux back in February or March (I think) and I took this pro-biotic supplement for a while, which seemed to take care of the problem, so I'm taking that again now. I started taking it maybe a week ago, so I haven't seen any improvement yet. It's weird because it usually doesn't start until late afternoon/early evening, then suddenly I'm just belching like crazy. I hate it.

Oh, if anybody knows how I can keep this scrolling-table-div-thing transparent, but make the text opaque, I would be eternally grateful. I hate that the pictures I want to put in here (like the picture of my new purse the other day) are transparent because they're inside this table, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to make that work.