Don't be off-standish
2007-09-07 - 5:55 p.m.

Here are a few funny (not exact) quotes from a transcript I did today:

"I had to look down under the trees at the dog to visibly hear that he's barking." (How do you visibly hear something?)

"All I could do was just shut my eyes and see it coming." (Wow, magical powers!)

I don't remember the context for this one, but this lady also made up a new word: Off-standish. He he.

B and I didn't do any painting or priming the day we went to Home Depot last weekend, but we did spend most of the next day working on the bathroom and the kitchen cabinets. We got two coats of primer on each, so now we need to get the paint on top of that. The kitchen cabinet doors are all stacked up in the den right now and have been that way since Monday. B hasn't had much work to do this week, so he spent some time getting the sides of the cabinet doors the other day, which were't done yet. Unfortunately, while he was moving them around and re-stacking them, etc., some of the priming we did on Monday came off the doors where they were touching. I don't know what we're going to do now, except try to patch those places. But you're supposed to let the primer dry for at least 24 hours before you put paint over it, so...we're kind of running out of time before we leave next week.

I knew I was going to be sore from this, but I was hoping it wouldn't be very bad because I've been working out on a regular basis for the past several months. I was still SO sore the next day, though. Apparently my workouts on the T0t@l Gym don't compare to the workout I got while painting. I don't remember having been that sore from painting the kitchen, but maybe I was. I do remember feeling totally wiped out after painting in the hallway and my bathroom, and then we went grocery shopping right after that. I was exhausted.

Anyway, I think I've finally recovered from this past Monday, just in time to do some more this weekend. Whoo hoo.

My lower back had been bothering me for several weeks and when I realized it wasn't getting better, even with B's help, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. I saw him on Wednesday morning and I seem to be doing better. It's strange because I was having pain while sitting down with my legs up, like on the recliner or the ottoman. B thinks I probably pulled something out of place while walking on the treadmill. I'd been taking it slower on the treadmill since I started feeling pain, but I guess the damage was already done.

The day before yesterday I finished the novel I got from B&N when I went there to spend my gift certificate. It was called The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant and I liked it a lot. In fact, I'm planning to look for some of her other books on tape so I can put them on my mp3 player and listen to them on the plane and stuff next week. I'm still working on the other two books I got - the ones on Japanese language. I don't know that I'll ever be done with those, exactly.