Acne and trips to D.C.
2006-01-20 - 3:07 p.m.

I was messing around with the layout here earlier today but it became a disaster, so I just gave up for a while and put this layout back up. I have no idea why it didn't work but I'll be working on it over the weekend.

I've been using Pro@activ now for about 3 months and it's been working great. I just wish I could get a handle on my seborrheic dermatitis. I don't know why, but it's always out of control this time of year and there's nothing I can until spring when it eventually goes away on its own. Anyway, I recently tried using the Pro@ctiv stuff on my back and shoulders too and it seems to have made things worse there. How weird is that? The booklet I got with the products said it's fine to use it anywhere you have breakouts so I don't get it. Oh well, at least my face is clear.

Oh yeah, and speaking of a clear face (or not), who saw the boy/girl on Americ@n Id0l Wednesday night? I think his name was Zach and he was all upset after his audition because he felt he'd been discriminated against. Yeah, we all know it had nothing to do with your awful singing voice, right? Or maybe those overly-plucked eyebrows of yours distracted the judges so much that they missed your fabulous singing.

Okay, maybe that's a bit mean, but seriously this person needs to decide if he/she wants to be a boy or girl. Although he/she seems to enjoy getting attention because of the ambiguity.

Those two guys they chose to focus on for a while - the cosmic-co@aster guy and the "flawless" guy - seriously creeped me out. They made me uncomfortable just watching them on TV. And that little cowboy dude did too, but not in a creepy way. I just get the feeling he doesn't have a lot of social experience and he's going to be in for quite a culture shock when he goes to Hollywood.

I didn't get any work for today, which means I don't have any for tomorrow either. That also means I'll have to work on Monday again, but actually it works out okay since B has his medical transcription studies to do.

I've really been itching to back to Vegas but I don't think we'll be able to take a big trip like that this year. We are planning to go to Washington D.C. sometime in the spring though, so I have that to look forward to. I've been there 3 times, once when I was 12 with my dad, once when I was 14 with my school's student council and once when I was 19 with my dad and a few other family members.

On the trip when I was 19 we only stayed there one day because we were all getting on each other's nerves so bad that we cut the trip short. Plus I was missing my boyfriend at the time, so I didn't mind coming home early. I think part of the problem was that we took a 14-hour train ride to get there and being stuck together for that long with not much to do made us all a bit irritable.

On the trip when I was 12 we also took a train, but it was just my dad and me. I got two books right before we left to read on the train - they were the first two Sweet Valley High books. Anyone remember those? They had just come out at the time, which was the summer of 1984, I think. (Geez, I feel old.) I totally ripped through both of those books on the train and I couldn't wait to read the next one. Basically they were like a teen soap opera in book form.

On the trip when I was 14 I got to fly instead of taking a train and it was the first time I'd flown anywhere (I'd flown to California when I was 2 or 3 but I don't count that since I can't remember it). I was so excited to fly that I couldn't sleep at all the night before we left. We only spent one night there and I stayed up most of that night playing cards with my friends, so I was completely exhausted by the time I got home. I don't know how I managed it. One of the things I remember most from this trip is eating dinner in the hotel restaurant and for dessert we were all served ice-milk. One of the girls at my table kept calling it "frozen cow slobbers" and I couldn't eat any more of it without feeling grossed out. I never did like that girl.

B and I will most likely drive to D.C. when we go since it's not that far away, but maybe we could find a cheap flight. I'll be looking into that.