My habits (and other stuff)
2006-02-01 - 9:21 p.m.

I got tagged by Heather today with this:

Post 5 weird habits that you have and then tag 5 others to do the same!

Okay, I had a really hard time coming up with 5 weird habits so I've included some other things that don't exactly fit into this category.

1. Whenever I spread something on a piece of bread, like butter, jelly, mayonaise, etc., it must cover the bread completely AND it must be spread out evenly. This is so I can get a taste of whatever it is with each bite.

2. I'm somewhat compulsive about my eyebrows and can't stand it when there's a big dark hair that I can see but it's just slightly below my skin so I can't get it with the tweezers. (My eyebrows are very dark.) It drives me nuts until I can pluck it.

3. I have to have the bedsheets and comforter just so on the bed. Everything must be straight with no big wrinkles, everything must hang evenly over each side and the pillows must be centered at the top of the bed. I don't know why it even matters to me when they get messed up so quickly, but there it is nonetheless.

4. I've never had any really bad habits or addictions like, smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. I used to bite my nails, starting when I was in the fifth grade, but I was gradually able to break the habit. Occasionally I'll bite my nails if I'm in an extremely stressful situation.

5. During my lifetime I've had one hairdresser who really knew how to cut my hair and suggest styles that were flattering for me. I was never able to find anyone like her again, and several years ago I gave up on hair salons and started cutting my own hair. It saves money and I can have it cut whenever I want; no appointment necessary! I think I do a pretty good job, if I do say so myself, though I must admit that since my hair is long and layered it's not noticeable if I haven't cut it exactly right. At least, I hope it's not....

I'm not going to tag anyone for this because I know it can be kind of annoying, but if anyone wants to do it that'd be great.