The visitors
2006-02-20 - 5:30 p.m.

We've had a few interesting days since B's nephew P got here Friday evening. He and his girlfriend finally made it here a little after 8:00 after B and I had already been to D's art show. I was really hoping they'd be able to come to the art show with us because I think D would've liked for them to be there. As it was though, he had a good turn out and he even sold three of his paintings to the library where they were being displayed (at UNCG). I don't know many people in this town but I ran into one of the agents who worked at my last job. Fortunately he was one that I got along with. I've never been to an art show where I knew the artist, so that was pretty cool. One of the paintings he put in the show had been hanging in our spare bedroom until just a few days ago.

We didn't know exactly when P would get here on Friday so B left a note on the front door in case they got here while we were at the art show, but it worked out just fine since they got here after we got back. We already knew that P and his girlfriend were planning to move here soon but what we found out after they got here was that they were going to try and find an apartment this weekend, get moved in, and P would start at his new job today. B was freaking out a little because I think he was afraid it would take them a lot longer than a few days to find an apartment; therefore they'd be staying with us for longer than just a few days, until they did find an apartment.

P and his girlfriend got started early on Saturday morning looking at apartments and by the end of the day they had narrowed it down to a couple of places. But then D called and offered to let them rent his rental house near UNCG. In theory this is a good thing, but his rental won't be vacated until a few weeks from now, so P and his girlfriend are stuck without a place to live until then. D offered to let them stay at his place until then and I think they will stay with him for a bit, (and this was after he initially suggested they could keep staying with B and I) but P has a friend here in town that he's going to stay with starting tonight. I don't know if it's such a great idea to rent from a family member and/or live with D for any period of time, but P and his girlfriend don't think it will be a problem.

I'm telling this all out of sequence, but before P and his girlfriend ever got here the plan was for them to stay with us for a couple days then stay with D for a couple days, but it just so happens that D was planning to go out of town this past Saturday. They could've stayed with him Friday night but D said he was too tired from his art show, so they stayed here. Then D ended up deciding not to leave until Tuesday (tomorrow) because of the weather, but he still didn't want them staying with him for whatever reason. And yet he's volunteered to take them in until his rental is ready. WTF?

In any case, they've been very polite house guests while they've been with us. B was a little irked the other night because they were making some noise after we'd gone to bed, but I know they were trying to be quiet. Really it was very minimal noise but we're not used to hearing ANYONE after we go to bed so our ears are very sensitive to unusual noises, in case someone is breaking in or whatever. Most of the time while they've been here they've been in their bedroom with the door shut, so they've been very unobtrusive.

Last night B made steaks and we all ate together, then we watched P's Napolean Dynamite DVD. That was the first time I'd seen it. When P suggested we watch it I said, "Oh, I've heard of that but I dont' know what it's about," and P said, "Well, I've seen it and I don't know what it's about!" Anyway, it was a funny movie. (One thing I can't seem to wrap my brain around, though - what in the heck did Lafawnduh see in Kip? I know it's satirical, but that seemed just wrong, even in the world of Napolean Dynamite.)

P did start his new job today and his girlfriend is out doing who knows what, but they're supposed to be back sometime this evening, then they're going to stay with P's friend tonight. Miki will be happy to see them go I think, though she did let P's girlfriend pet her and even got in her lap briefly last. She's such a spaz anyway and gets even more freaked out by strangers. But I think she can tell that P's girlfriend just wants to give her some loving.