Nothing in between
2006-03-02 - 9:20 p.m.

I wasn't too surprised with the results on AI tonight, though I didn't expect Kevin to be in the bottom two or three or anything. I know he's not the best singer but he's got that adorable-factor (as opposed to the X-factor or It-factor or whatever the judges are calling it now). As long as Elliot is still in it, I'm happy. That boy can freaking sing.

We forgot to record Survivor tonight while we watched AI, which is what we did last week, so now I don't know what happened this week. I looked at cb$.com to see what I could find and they have this episodes-on-demand thing that sounds pretty cool, but you have to pay for it, which is not so cool. Tonight's episode isn't up yet anyway. I bet I can find it somewhere else on the internet for free. He he...

I had kind of a rough day with my work today because I was really tired all day. Yesterday my legs were cramping so I took half a muscle relaxer before bed and I swear I felt it all day today and I never fully woke up until sometime earlier this evening. I took a nap this afternoon hoping that it would help but I wasn't able to really get any restful sleep. Anyway, the work's all done now. Yay.

Back to AI for a minute - what was Paula on tonight? She was acting so goofy and giggly. And whatever it was, where can I get some?

I haven't heard a peep about B's nephew so I can only assume things are going okay over at D's house. No news is good news, I guess.

And as usual, as soon as I start writing here I can't remember most of the things I was going to write about.

We haven't gotten very far on planning our trip to D.C. yet. I did a little research online last week but there was so much stuff to look at that I just felt overwhelmed and put it on the back burner. We need to find a place to stay that's preferably within walking distance of most of the Smithsonian museums but from what I saw on some maps, they're scattered all over the city. I think they have some kind of shuttle system there and I know they have a subway system, so maybe we can utilitze those, but I have no idea how they work or how you pay for them, etc., etc.

We talked a little bit tonight about needing to take a trip to Arizona to scope out places to live. We'll most likely move into an apartment when we first get there, then we'll find a house while living in the apartment. So the location of the apartment isn't as important but it still matters. We didn't talk about when we might do this, but I think in the spring would be best.

I've been so restless lately and it's driving me nuts. When I'm working I'm thinking, "Geez, am I done yet?" Then when I'm done I'm thinking, "Okay, now I'm bored." Can't I find a happy medium somewhere in there?