It's a GO!
2006-09-12 - 12:01 p.m.

YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! I just got the word that my platelet level is fine and the surgery is on! YAY!!! Now I can relax and look forward to enjoying our beach trip next week. I'm so relieved.

Yesterday I got the four manga I'd ordered and I'm really glad I got four of them because they're not going to last me very long. I sat down and started reading one after I finished working and before I knew it, I was three-fourths of the way through it. It's about 200 pages but it's mostly pictures, being a comic book, so I guess that's why I got through it so quickly.

I'm supposed to go to B's store tomorrow to get my late b-day presents from E and P (the books I was going to get for myself) so with those and the manga I should have plenty to read, plus I have two magazines I've been saving until next week.

I called over to the plastic surgeon's office just a little while ago to see if they'd gotten the results of my blood test and the woman said they got them yesterday. She said she *thought* everything was fine, because the doctor had signed it, but she wanted to double-check with him, so she asked if she could call me back. I sat here with my heart about to beat right out of my chest with anticipation for about 15 minutes, then she finally called and said yes, indeed, everything was fine this time. She remembered that my platelet count was low before and said she was happy for me. That was nice. :)