Four days and counting....
2006-09-29 - 7:29 p.m.

Only four more days until you-know-what! AAHH!!

The surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. but I have to be there at 9:00 a.m. to get prepped and all that. My pre-op appointment is Monday at 10:00 and the doctor will mark me up and they'll give me my prescriptions so I can have them filled that day. They'll also give me some stuff that I'm supposed to take a bath with Monday night. Some kind of antibacterial stuff, I guess. I know it seems kind of backwards to get marked up and then take a bath, but they said the markings won't wear off from the bath. I've seen enough of these makeover shows to know that they use permanent marker on you, too. These doctors bust out their Sharpies! Thank goodness I'm not having anything done on my face. Who knows how long it takes for that to wear off.

The kind of lipo I'm having done is called tumescent where they will inject fluid to dissolve the fat first, then suck it out. The fluid will also have anesthetic to help numb the areas. The downside to this is that, after surgery, the fluid will gradually seep out from the incisions. The plastic surgeon's office is providing me with something to put on the bed to protect it when I'm sleeping, but we also need to get some plastic or tarps or something to put on the sofa, my computer chair and anywhere else I want to sit. Maybe even on the carpets, too. (Sounds pretty gross, huh?)

I'm not sure exactly what to expect with this leakage issue. Apparently some people have a lot and others not very much. I've "met" another woman who's having lipo the same day as me via the liposuction message board I've been frequenting and we've been trading tips about how to prepare for this. She's stocked up on something called @rnica, which is supposed to help with swelling, because apparently there's lots of lots of swelling afterwards. I haven't gotten anything like that, but I do plan to eat low-sodium foods. We also talked about what kind of foods we were going to get to eat next week because I needed some ideas for low-sodium things. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm think of yogurt, pudding, plain baked potatoes, boiled eggs, etc. for the first few days afterwards. You know, stuff that will be easy on my stomach so I don't get nauseated. But other than that, I'm drawing a blank. Unfortunately, I eat a lot of those Le@n P0ckets and they're pretty high in sodium, so I'll have to find a replacement for those.

B and I turned the heat on in the house tonight for the first time this season. I guess that means good-bye summer. Boo. The only good part about this coming winter is that I'll be able to fit into some winter clothes that haven't fit me for a while.