Getting ready for Christms
2006-12-11 - 7:52 p.m.

I put up a few new pictures of my lipo progress yesterday (leave me a note if you need/want the link) after B mentioned that I'm looking smaller yesterday. Personally, I don't see a whole lot of a difference between now and the last pictures, but I do know that I fit into those red pants last week, so something must be going on. :)

We got some Christmas stuff taken care of this weekend and it's kind of a relief to have that stuff out of the way. While we were grocery shopping yesterday B inquired about getting a pre-cooked turkey for our Christmas party on the 23rd. Turns out they offer two turkey dinners and B got the smaller of the two, which comes with several side dishes all pre-cooked and ready to eat. All we have to do is pick it up.

B decided to order his mom something from Hick0ry F@rms last night so we just went ahead and got something for my dad and his wife and my mom and her husband. I'm all done with B's Christmas shopping and I'm just waiting for a couple things to be delivered. Everything else is wrapped and under the tree. Oh yeah, and we got a tree and decorated it last night, too. B and N actually got the tree on Thursday when N was here doing more painting. They used N's truck to bring it home and then just brought it inside and set it up.

Friday was my mom's birthday and I sent her some things from Seph0ra. She emailed me to say she got the package but wanted to call and open it while we were on the phone, and she wanted to call Saturday afternoon or evening and asked if that would be a good time. I wrote her back and said that would be fine, but...I never heard from her. I wish she would've just opened the damn box and written to say thanks. Frankly, I don't really want to talk to her and I especially don't like having to sit around feeling stressed and dreading her possible call for days on end.

I still haven't told her about our plans to move to Arizona, but I'll probably tell her whenever we do talk next. I don't think she'll be too crazy about the news, but it's not like we see each other or talk very often now, so what difference will it make if I'm here or in Arizona?

Technically today is still my weekend since I work Saturdays and take Mondays off, but I did a little work today anyhow. It's so unfair, but I almost always get a headache on Mondays...I think because I'm bored. The place I work for has been swamped with work and begging its independent contractors every day to take extra work, so I thought I'd help them out and alleviate my boredom at the same time. Unfortunately, I waited until I already had a headache so the headache never completely went away. This is usually a slow time of year for them, but they said this year has been the busiest Thanksgiving/Christmas season ever. I wonder what's up? More auto accidents this year, maybe?

B got a small deep fryer for his birthday recently so he decided to get it out and try it tonight. We used it to fry up some frozen french fries and they turned out great, but then I ate too many of them and now I feel sick. X( Duh.

Oh, yeah, something else I took care of this weekend was getting some tins to put my Bliss Mix in for B's coworkers for Christmas.

*I just got interrupted by a phone call from my mom. How ironic.*

B had to go to Wal-M@rt this afternoon to get some trash bags for N, who was raking leaves in the yard. Our city has a leaf collection truck that comes out and sucks up the leaves this time of year and unfortunately, the truck came today while N was raking the back yard and was only about halfway done. So that was the last time this year for the truck and N had to bag the leaves because of that, but we didn't have any bags to Wal-M@rt. I went with B and he was really being a grump at the time, I think because of his latest test score and the whole thing with the leaves, so when I picked up the cookie tins for the Bliss Mix he said something about why should I bother going to the trouble when they don't appreciate it.

I asked B the other day to find out if his coworkers were interested in having me make them more Bliss Mix this year or not, and they said they would like it but they didn't like the marshmallow, animal crackers or butterscotch chips. B took that to be complaining and that they didn't appreciate it, etc., so that's why he said what he did. Plus he was feeling grumpy too, I don't know if I want to bother with it or not. I guess I will since I bought the tins, but I'm not going to knock myself out trying to make it really special this year.

Sometime between now and the 23rd I need to get some serious house cleaning done. Not that the house is filthy or anything, but there's tons of cat hair on the furniture in the living room, and B and I don't spend a lot of time in there so getting the cat hair up isn't usually a priority. I also need to clean my bathroom, which actually is pretty filthy, just in case someone needs to use it while the other bathroom is occupied. And the kitchen...the kitchen needs some work. You know people always end up hanging out in the kitchen at parties, so I want to make sure there's plenty of room in there and right now there really isn't. The kitchen table is piled high with all kinds of stuff and almost every inch of counter space is taken up with more stuff. We have a pretty good-sized kitchen, but counter space is always at a premium for some reason.

I still plan to make a rum cake for the party, too, so I'll have to get the ingredients for that this coming weekend. I'd like to make it the day before so I don't have to do any baking the day of the party. We'll see if that pans out.

I would talk a little bit about what my conversation with Mom was like, but my fingers are all typed out. Maybe next time.