Weekend things
2007-02-26 - 3:44 p.m.

My weekend is almost over. :(

My weekend kind of started early because we had that alumni art thing/card playing on Friday night. I tried on everything in my closet trying to find something to wear with this cute courduroy jacket B got me. Turns out, after all that, I made some bad choices with my clothes because it was colder than I thought and that little jacket wasn't very warm. Fortunately, it was very warm in the library where the artwork was on display.

B and I were looking for E, P, her husband G and N but didn't see any of them for a long while, so we just wandered around, looking at all the (mostly weird) artwork and listening to a performance art-type band playing in one corner. Finally then we saw N sitting on the floor in front of the band, and not long after that P got there. G and E weren't with her and I immediately started to worry that no one was going to make it over to play cards. I already figured N wasn't going to make it because he was hanging out with friends his own age, but fortunately he was the only one who couldn't come.

E had been stuck at the store with a customer until 6:00 p.m. (the store closes at 5:00) and had to go home and feed her cats, so she didn't have time to make it to the art show, and P's husband G had just gotten off work and was resting at home for a bit before it was time to go to our house, so that's why P was there by herself. After the art show was over, B and I went home and everyone else got there just a few minutes later. I think they stayed until about 10:00, but it seemed like they were only here about a half hour. G had to get up early the next day for work, so we had to call it a night early.

Saturday B and I both had to work, too, as usual. Yesterday B worked on his schoolwork and I watched some stuff that I had DVRed. One thing I had recorded was the movie "Tommy," which I'd not seen before. I was familiar with some of the music because I used to listen to this classic rock station when I was in college, and they also played that radio station in the store where I worked for nine years.

I thought the movie was pretty good. Very intriguing, actually. I thought about it all day after watching it and I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to get to sleep last night because I couldn't get "Listening to You" out of my head. I didn't have any trouble sleeping, but as soon as I woke up this morning, it was right back in my head.

B and I finished painting the kitchen right after we had breakfast today. We put a coat of primer on last weekend so today we put a coat of regular paint on top of that, and I think it turned out pretty nice. We also touched up some places in the front hallway and now I think we're finally done with the painting. Just have to get the bushes replaced in front of the house and then start cleaning out the closets to get the house ready to be shown. I am soooo dreading that. I'd almost rather paint some more.

After we finished our painting B got back to his schoolwork and I watched "Tommy" again. Not the whole thing; just some parts that I wanted to see again. Now I feel kind of tired and bored. I wish I had the energy to do something.

I had another episode of those really bad menstrual cramps on Saturday morning, and thank God for the P0nstel that my OB/GYN prescribed for me. As soon as I felt the cramps start I took one and within about seven minutes they were gone. It was a rough seven minutes, but it would've been 15-20 minutes without the P0nstel.

I think I may have a little stomach virus or something and I think B had it before me. I've been having a problem with reflux every day for the past week or so, and feeling nauseated off and on. I thought at first it was something I ate, but even after cutting that food out, it hasn't gone away. I hope this goes away soon because this reflux is miserable.