Six-month lipo check-in
2007-03-24 - 9:46 p.m.

I really need to get moving on my new spring template because it's been in the high 70s here lately. Not wintertime weather anymore! And I need to renew my Dland space, too. Good thing Andrew sends those reminders.

I went to the plastic surgeon last Wedneday for my six-month visit. It was originally scheduled for April 11 but they moved it up because basically, I was freaking out.

You may recall me saying that I haven't gotten any smaller since sometime in January (I think), and in fact, I've actually gotten a little bigger during the last month or so. I've gained a couple pounds, so that has something to do with it, but that's not really part of the big picture. The fact is, when I last saw the plastic surgeon in December he said I was still very swollen and he expected to see some dramatic results...and I'm basically the same size now as I was then. Where, then, are these dramatic results that he expected????

B was actually the one who called the plastic surgeon's office and got my appointment moved up because I was very upset and crying about it that day (Tuesday, I think). We went together to the appointment because B knew I was going to need his support and he was ready to back me up.

I had to change into the ridiculous paper panties and gown and when the doctor came in and looked at me and asked how it was going, I knew right then that he didn't see anything wrong. I explained that I was disappointed and why and he said, "Let's take some pictures and compare them with your pre-op pictures first, then we'll talk more about it." I could tell he was thinking that, once I saw the pictures, I'd feel all hunky dory and everything would be great, but he was so missing the point.

Yes, I did see some initial results just a few days after the surgery, but almost nothing has happened since then. B and I haven't taken any more pictures since January because there's nothing new to take pictures of! We tried to get the plastic surgeon back to this point, but he just kept pointing at the pictures and saying, "There HAS been a difference." He then suggested that perhaps I had unrealistic expectations. I wish I would've thought to say this while I was there, but I was only expecting what he told me to expect, which was that I was still very swollen in December and he expected to see some dramatic results! Then he suggested that maybe I'm depressed and I'm focussing too much on how I look.

B and I were there for about an hour and finally we realized we weren't getting anywhere and left. Unfortunately, I started crying while we were there and I really, really didn't want to do that. But when the plastic surgeon started pulling this shit about me being depressed out of his ass, that was the last straw. I DID manage to say that yes, I am depressed, but it's because of my lack of results, not the other way around. I'm sorry, but what a freaking dumbass thing to say.

Something else he said was that I'm not swollen anymore and basically he doesn't know why I haven't gotten any smaller than I have or why I've gotten bigger during the last month or so.

I acknowledge that yes, I have seen a difference in my shape, but the fact is, I'm wearing the same jeans that I was right after the surgery. I am the same size now as I was when he said I was still very swollen. The plastic surgeon seemed to think that what size pants I'm wearing is irrelevant (this is when he wanted me to focus on the before and after pictures), but it's totally relevant.

I guess my only choice now is to move on and just try to lose weight, I guess.

On a more positive note, I decided to try doing some proofreading for the company I work for. My supervisor sent out an email the other day asking all of us independent contractors if we knew of anyone who wanted to be a proofreader and I said I wanted to try it. I'm hoping I can give my fingers somewhat of a break because it doesn't involve as much typing, but unfortunately it doesn't pay as well, so I don't know how it's going to work out. Fortunately, my supervisor said I can try it for a while and if I don't like it I can go back to my regular transcription, no questions asked. I proofread one file this weekend and it was pretty lousy audio, but I was told this quality of audio was out of the ordinary and that I could expect easier stuff in the future.

I thought I would be proofreading insurance interviews, which is what I type, but this was something totally different. I forgot that my supervisor manages several different divisions at the company, so apparently this came from one of the other divisions. It was some kind of focus group discussion for a marketing study. Whoever did the original transcript wasn't a very good transcriptionist, I can tell you that. I had to make a lot of changes. Sometimes the things he/she typed were totally wrong, but the audio wasn't great, so I guess I shouldn't be too harsh on her/him. Anyway, I'm excited about this proofreading. Maybe I can make some money at it and give my fingers a bit of a rest at the same time.