Books and movies
2007-06-14 - 6:07 p.m.

Looks like there's going to be a bit of a delay with starting my new job. After I took the tests last Friday, my contact said she wanted to speak on the phone with me this week and asked what time was good for me. I wrote her back immediately giving her some times and then...I never heard anything else.

So I spent this whole week getting more and more axious about it, wondering why I hadn't heard from her or thinking she might call me unexpectedly or any number of other unsavory outcomes, until B suggested I email her and just ask what was going on.

Thank goodness I did that because she said she never got my last email. Anyway, she's now all booked up until Friday of next week, so that's when we're scheduled to talk. I really want to get started and start making some moolah! But in the meantime, I'm still plugging away with the current place. They always have plenty for me to do.

I have been having some pretty awful leg pain during the past week or so and on top of it, I feel guilty for taking pain meds to deal with it. I'm still not taking "a lot" compared to what the suggested dosage is, but it's a lot for me. Today I had to take about twice what I normally would to make the leg pain go away and it made me a little scatter-brained so that my fingers weren't behaving while I was trying to type.

Sunday before I went to the movies my legs were killing me and I'd already taken some of my regular pain meds and it didn't help. I had one of the pain pills (another kind) left over from my surgery last year so I decided to take it. I needed to make use of it before it lost its effectiveness anyhow, and it totally got rid of all my leg pain. So this is something I plan on asking for from my OB/GYN when I see her next month.

IIRC, I asked her for this in the past...or rather, I asked her office staff for it over the phone and they gave me some bullshit about how I needed to ask my primary care physician for it instead. Then I tried telling them that she said she WOULD be my primary care physican and they said that wasn't possible, etc., etc. Anway, I'm going to ask her in person this time and explain that I know it works and that I don't need it all the time; just times when my regular pain meds don't get the job done.

Back to the movie on Sunday: We saw W@itress and it was a really cute movie. It had some really funny parts and some really gut-wrenching parts, especially when the main character's husband was being abusive. It wasn't physical abuse, but it was still difficult to watch because it pissed me off so much. In fact, I was pissed about it for probably two days afterwards and it still pisses me off to think about it.

The next movie I'll probably see is the H@rry P0tter movie coming out next month. I started re-reading the corresponding book because I read it the first time about three years ago and I can't remember exactly what happened. I've since read the other two H@rry P0tter books that are out and I can't keep the details of each straight in my mind. And then of course, the next book comes out next month, too. I'm looking forward to getting that and I should've pre-ordered it, but it's probaby way too late for that. Oh, well.