New contract and un-noisy neighbors
2007-06-08 - 7:14 p.m.

I took the tests for the new transcription IC position and for all intents and purposes (intensive purposes, ha, ha) I've got the job! My contact person said I did well on the tests and we're scheduled to talk on the phone next week about the details of the job. Whoo!

I had to take a short grammar test that involved picking the appropriate word to use in a sentence (affect versus effect, etc.) and then I had to transcribe a 5-minute interview. This interview was the clearest audio I've ever heard, so I hope this is reflective of the quality of their audio in general.

Their formatting is a little different than what I'm used to with my current contract, but they use a lot of the same terms and phrases since these are the same kind of insurance interviews I'm doing now. The kicker is, I won't be able to use any of my Autocorrect shortcuts because they're in all caps. That's the format my current place uses, but this new place is NOT in all caps, so I'll have to make all these shortcuts over again. Bleh. There must be some way around it. I'll figure something out.

E has invited me to see a movie this weekend and we'll probably see either W@itress or Ge0rgia Rule. We saw a preview for the movie W@itress when we saw In the L@nd of W0men a few weeks back and it looked pretty good. The waitress in said movie is some kind of pie genius who's abused by her husband. I have a feeling we'll be going out for some pie afterwards if we see this movie. I already want some pie just thinking about it. Mmm...pecan pie.

B and I slept until almost 9:30 this morning. Now that he's been working at home too, our sleep schedules have gradually shifted to going to be later and getting up later, but even 9:30 is a lot later than usual for us. I'm happy to say that my restless leg has quit bothering me (knock wood) and I've been able to sleep well again. I still wake up 3 or 4 times a night, but I go right back to sleep. I mean, that's normal, right? I rarely sleep straight through until morning. I think often times things like noisy cars going by outside or the dog barking next door will wake me up.

Speaking of noisy cars, we've been hearing a lot of noise from the house across the street lately. This is the house that's been vacant since last summer (I think) when the family living there suddenly moved out and we didn't even know they were gone. We just thought they were on vacation or something. They never sold the house for some reason, and lately one of their sons and his friends (I'm assuming) have been hanging out there, and there's always lots of cars coming and going and people hanging out in the driveway, etc.

Fortunately, I haven't heard any loud, obnoxious music or really anything other than lots of cars coming and going. I'm really curious to know what they're doing over there and why suddenly people are living there. They all look to be high school age, or at least what I perceive to be high school age. I really can't tell any more. They could be 12 or they could be in college, I don't know. Anyway, I'm happy that they're not being obnoxious over there.