Working at home
2006-01-10 - 10:42 a.m.

I have a little time to write this morning because my work isn't ready for me yet. I was told I'd get the amount I asked for but they're running behind or something so it will be late in coming. I asked for 90 minutes of audio, which translates into about 6 hours of typing, give or take an hour. I usually take an hour break during the day so that makes it a 7 or 8 hour day for me total.

B asked me this morning about working at home and how I've been liking it. I can't remember now exactly what his question was, but my answer was that I like working at home a lot and it would be really difficult for me to go back to working in an office or some other outside-the-home job. I never could stand being interrupted anyway, and now that I've been used to not having any interruptions it would be close to impossible to work a job where I had to stop to answer the phone, answer someone's question, check my email, throw everything aside for an emergency project that someone needed done, etc. I do miss the social contact somewhat, but most of all I miss being able to wear all my nice clothes. I thought about maybe having a yard sale and selling all the office clothing I don't really need anymore, but dammit I like those clothes. It would be hard to decide what to keep and what I'd be willing to let go of.

I try to use my time off to get out of the house because I usually have a prescription to pick up or something I need from W@l-M@rt, but I often have to talk myself into going.

Oh well, I just checked and my work is ready so I better get started on it.