Sad news and stuff
2006-01-24 - 6:50 p.m.

Crystal tagged me for this meme! For once I didn't have to tag myself.

4 Jobs you have had in your life, In chronological order:
Food Service Worker
Sales Clerk
Assistant Manager
Production Specialist

4 Movies you could watch over and over
The Wizard of Oz
The Sound of Music
The Princess Bride
Pride & Prejudice (B&W Greer Garson version)

4 Places you have lived
I've only lived in two cities: Where I am now and where I lived before that. :P

4 TV Shows you love to watch
American Idol
Sex and the City

4 Places you have been on Vacation
Sanabell, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
Virginia Beach, Virgina
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina

4 Websites you visit daily
my personal email site

4 of your favourite foods
Anything from Taco Bell
Pepperoni pizza
Twix candy bars
Fettucini Alfredo

4 Places you would rather be right now
In Las Vegas
At a beach
On a cruise ship
In Arizona

4 Bloggers you are tagging
1. Nicole
2. Heather
3. Heather
4. uh...I don't have 4th one. Anyone want to volunteer?

Okay, now onto the regular stuff. I got my full request for work today and I'm feeling pretty tired now. The last job I had was an interview with a 23-year-old guy who sounded like he was 16 (or maybe even younger). He mumbled through most of the interview and half of his words were either "and stuff," "like" or "whatever." So I had to take what was left and try to figure out what the hell he was saying.

This past weekend B bought me a bookstand. I don't have it yet because he got it through Am@zon, but it's going to be a huge help to me. I've been trying to read lately and almost no matter how I hold the book it makes my neck and back hurt so bad, so with the bookstand I'll be able to read hands-free. I'm really looking forward to getting it.

I got some bad news from a friend of mine in the city where I used to live. I used to sing in a quartet at the church I went to there, and one of those quartet members - I'll call her H - found out last night that her husband died while he was out of town on business. Can you imagine? She got a call from a hospital there saying that he was in cardiac arrest and then sometime later that night he died. As far as I know, he never had any heart problems and he was only in his mid-40s, I think. Man, that is so scary, isn't it?

When I first got the news I thought it was actually this guy's father that had died, because they have the same name, so it was even more shocking to find out it was the younger of the two. Things like this just make me want to grab onto B and not let go.

And speaking of him, he's taking a nap right now because he's not feeling good. He's been feeling bad off and on for the past couple weeks and he keeps taking Zic@m. Zic@m is awesome stuff and really works great to get rid of a cold, but I'm afraid that he's going to over-use the stuff and make himself immune to it or something. Probably not, but I'm paranoid. I think his job is making him sick, seriously. Now that he's taking this course he wants to leave his job more than ever, and just being there makes him feel more bitter, you know? I've been there. Stress can really do a number on you physically.

I talked to my dad this morning and he said he went to the emergency room a few weeks ago for pain he was having in his side. It wasn't appendicitis and they did x-rays and didn't see anything suspicious, but they think he may have kidney stones. He said he's been having this pain off and on for a few years now, and that reminds me of the back problem I had for a while because it would come and go too, for months at a time. I thought I had a kidney infection or bladder infection, but turns out it was a musculo-skeletal thing. Seeing a chiropractor and having B rolf me helped to mostly get rid of it. Now, of course, I have many other aches and pains to deal with, but I'll take what I can get.

American Idol is on in just a little while and they'll be showing the auditions from my city. I hope they don't make us all look bad here, but if they do, just remember that I'm not originally from here. I'm a yankee.