Waiting again and visitors
2006-02-03 - 1:46 p.m.

Bored, bored, bored. Again, I'm waiting for my work to be routed to me. They told me last night that it would be late, so at least I know they didn't just forget about me this time, but it's still aggravating. I probably should've used this time to get on the treadmill or something.

Because I'll be getting such a late start on my work today that means I'll basically be behind by a half day, which also means I'll either have to work my butt off tomorrow to get caught up or I'll have to finish it on Sunday. Bleh. At least I'm not working on Monday.

B got a call from his nephew last night who lives in Maryland. He called to say that he's been offered a job here in town and he and his girlfriend are going to move here. They're going to come down for a few days the week after next (I think) to look for an apartment and they want to stay with us for a few days and then stay with B's brother the rest of the time they're here.

I think B's nephew is a nice kid and his girlfriend seems nice too, so it might be fun to have them visit. We'll have to clean up the spare bedroom (aka the storage room) and make room for them to sleep, but I don't think that will be too difficult.

Oh, I just got my work FINALLY so I need to get started. I doubt I'll have time to write again until next week so hope y'all have a great weekend!