Breakups and infinite patience
2006-03-14 - 10:29 a.m.

Last night I was talking to B and I said that his concerns about his nephew P intruding on our privacy after moving here never seemed to manifest. After P and his girlfriend left here we haven't heard from them at all, and B said he's been meaning to call P and find out how things are going so he did that after we had dinner.

As it turns out there's been quite a bit going on that we had no idea about. P and his girlfriend have broken up and as soon as P can get a car (she and her car were their transportation up until now) she'll be leaving and going back up to Maryland. We don't know what happened between them because P didn't want to talk much about it on the phone with B last night, but B said P seemed pretty upset about it.

I can't believe B's brother D never mentioned anything about this, but B thinks D doesn't really know what's going on because apparently D and P don't see that much of each other, even though they're living in the same house. D is very much into his own life and his own problems.

I downloaded a couple movies recently and normally I'd burn them onto DVD so we could watch them on the big TV, but both of these movies had subtitles that weren't hard-coded into the .avi file so they had to be watched on my computer. (There is a way to incorporate the subtitles into the movie file but it's not worth the effort that I'd have to put into it, IMO.) We finally remembered to watch one of them last night and it was a Japanese film called Shinobi. It was a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon type movie with lots of special effects and martial arts, but the plot was basically a Romeo and Juliette story with a man and woman from opposing tribes falling in love. At the end of the movie, to prove how serious she was about saving her people, the main female character poked her own eyes out. It was very disturbing, to say the least. Blech.

We've had a little touch of summer weather over the past few days and since it was so nice yesterday I suggested that we go up to Pilot Mountain and hike around. But neither of us slept good Sunday night, B's feet were hurting in the morning and then I ended up feeling really tired anyway, so instead we just took a short walk on a local trail. I was tired before we even started, so I was feeling pretty wiped by the time we got back. That was pretty sucky. Some days I just have no energy and so far the iron supplements aren't helping, as far as I can tell.

On a brighter note, I've still been getting plenty of work and I got a pretty substantial paycheck last week. I got a 98-minute audio file on Friday, which is the longest one I've ever had, and it was a tough one because I could barely hear the woman being interviewed. I probably lost a lot of money on that one because I couldn't figure out most of what she was saying. I had another file that was 45 minutes long and fortunately the audio quality was much better on that one. The interview was quite interesting and the reason it was so long was because the person being interviewed kept changing his story (regarding his car being stolen). I really had to give the interviewer credit; he had infinite patience with this guy and kept his tone cordial even when the interviewee started losing his temper. That's a job I could never do.