Doctor's appointments and such
2006-04-04 - 5:21 p.m.

Let's see if I can remember what's been going on the past few days. I'll start from today and work my way backwards.

Today I was supposed to have my annual OB/GYN appointment but, as fate would have it, I started my period a week early and had to reschedule. The bad news is I won't be seeing her until June but the good news is I was able to get my prescriptions refilled anyway without having to beg, pled and promise my first born (they'd be waiting a long time for that one).

As it turns out, I now have another doctor's appointment today, with my chiropractor. I woke up Sunday and could hardly turn my head because my neck hurt so bad. I knew the chiropractor wouldn't be there on Sunday but I called and left him a message hoping that he could see me the following day, but his son was home sick from school so that's why I'm seeing him today. My neck is feeling somewhat better than it did, but ironically when I woke up today my lower back was killing me. So I guess today is a good day to see the chiropractor!

Yesterday was kind of a boring and I didn't do very much on Sunday, either. B's nephew P came over for a little while Sunday afternoon and it sounds like he will probably be moving back up to Maryland this coming weekend. P's now ex-girlfriend left on Friday and, I don't know exactly when this happened but, P quit his job. Apparently they expected him to work 12-14 hour days and he wasn't told this ahead of time, so now that he doesn't have a job I guess there's no reason for him to live here. One part I can't figure out is that Friday morning D took P to get him a scooter so he'd have some transportation. This was something they planned on doing so he'd have a way to get to and from work after his ex-girlfriend left, but now that he doesn't have a job and will probably be moving back...why did they still get him the scooter? I suppose he still needs transportation between now and next weekend, but buying a scooter seems like overkill.

The weather here has been great. It's rained a little bit here and there but mostly it's been in the lower 70s and sunny. I've been going outside for 20 minutes or so every day to sit on the deck in the sun, hoping that the UV will help the dermatitis on my face. It's not totally gone but I've seen some improvement. Apparently UV rays kill the bacteria or fungi or whatever the hell it is that causes seborrheic dermatitis. Plus it just feels so nice to lay in the sun.

B has some stuff going on with his work that's going to be keeping him pretty busy so we're now planning on going to DC in May. That's okay with me because the chances are that the weather will be warmer then than if we go this month.

So that pretty much has you up to date. Oh yeah, when P was here on Sunday B told him about our plans to move to Arizona and also told him about studying to be a medical transcriptionist. B's mom and oldest brother don't know yet about our plans to move but I suppose now they'll find out through P. I don't what that means, if anything. B has said he's done with his oldest brother and really doesn't care if he knows or what he thinks about it, but for some reason it still triggers some kind of fear in me.

Now, I need to stop because my fingers have had enough typing for today. ^_^