Warped deck
2006-04-07 - 11:31 a.m.

Last year around this time we had our deck redone. The guy who did the work got rid of the old roof and re-did the existing deck except for basically the support underneath. When he was done with all that he said he'd come back in about two weeks to fix any parts that may have warped and to sand it, and he did come back at one point and left a car on the door (I guess we weren't home). Why he couldn't have just gone around to the back and did what he came to do, I have no idea.

Anyway, he never came back and finished up. B called him several times last year and left him messages, but for whatever reason he never responded. So when B and I were sitting on the deck the other day it made us think about this and B came up with a plan of attack, so to speak. He called the guy yesterday and left him a very polite message asking him to come back and finish the job whenever he has time. If he doesn't respond, B will make a copy of the invoice we have and mail it to him with a letter, asking more formally to come and finish the job. Then if he still doesn't respond, B will send a complaint to the North Carolina board of something - I can't remember exactly what - but this group should be able to take some action and get us some help.

The deck looked really nice when it was first done, though it wasn't sanded of course, but now it's not looking so hot. One of the handrails on the steps is warped really badly and several parts of the railings around the deck are warped, too. Plus there are some nails sticking out in various places and other small things that aren't quite right. I don't know why, but I had a feeling the guy wouldn't come back in two weeks like he said he would. IIRC, the only reason he came back that time when we weren't home was because it had been a month and B called him to remind him about it. The guy seemed like an honest guy and seemed to know what he was doing, but oh well.

When I went to see the chiropractor the other day I accidentally wore my house slippers. I realized it once I got in the car and got going but I didn't feel like turning around and going back just to change them, so I just went on ahead. They look kind of like mocassins, so it wasn't like I was wearing big, fuzzy things that look obviously like house slippers. So then during my treatment the chiro took my shoes off to use this vibrating massage thing on the bottom of my feet. When I was getting ready to leave I slipped them back on and he said, "I noticed those shoes; they look really comfortable," so I spilled the beans and told him what they really were. We had a good laugh about that.

I was suprised to see Mandisa go home on Americ@n Id0l this past week. My dad called earlier that day and he thought she might be the one to go but I said, "Nah, I think she'll be around for a while." Wrong! I was bummed to see Elliot in the bottom three but I guess my votes saved him again. ^_^

I woke up this morning with my legs aching. Not a great way to start out the day, but at least I don't have to be so stingy with the pain meds now since I know I have some refills.

Last night B and I watched Four Weddings @nd a Funer@l. I was surfing around looking for stuff to record last week and I saw this, so I thought it might be something fun we could watch together. It wasn't as good as I remembered it being, but it was fun to see it with B. He was feeling bummed because he didn't do so well on an assignment recently so the movie got his mind off of that for a little while.

I finally got my work routed to me just a minute ago and I'm downloading it now. Lately they've been having trouble getting it out on time, for some reason, but at least it's only an hour late today, as oppossed to 5 hours late last Friday. Geez.

So I should stop here and get some water and go to the bathroom before I got started with work. Hope you all have a great weekend!