New gutters and old ladies
2006-05-22 - 10:58 a.m.

Happy Anniversary to me! Today is our third wedding anniversary, and to celebrate we're doing...nothing. Actually, we talked about driving up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and doing some hiking there but the weather is kind of crummy today, so that's out. I mentioned maybe going out to eat too, but that's always kind of a dangerous thing with B's food intollerace/allergy/weirdness. It wouldn't bother me much not to eat out because I'm trying to lose a few pounds before my consultation with the lipo doc on Thursday. Silly, I know, but I don't want him to have any reason not to do this lipo on me. Plus I'm kind of embarassed that I've gained a few pounds recently. Too many frozen pizzas and taquitos. :(

This morning while B and I were just finishing up our breakfast we heard some kind of pounding noise and at almost the same instant the phone rang. The pounding was the gutter people here to replace the gutters and the person calling was N, who has been over here several times to paint and do other yard chores (and who also works part-time at B's store). N was calling to see if B wanted him to come over and do more paiting and stuff, but ironically, since the gutter folks were here, they would be in N's way. But as it turns out, the gutter folks got done really quickly; I think they were only here about two hours, and the gutters are completely done. So N may come over today after all.

B and I went outside the check out the gutters and they look very nice. Once N gets the areas under the gutters repainted, the house will look a lot better.

Damn that Americ@n Id0l. I'm still feeling sad over Elliott and thinking if only he would've gotten a few more votes! I've seen several polls on the internet that show that most people would've liked to have seen him in the final what the heck happened??

Also, according to these polls, it looks like Taylor will win. I would've never predicted that he'd make it this far, much less win the whole thing. But I do like him. Just not as much as Elliott. My consolation is that I'll get to see Elliott perform during the finale with the other top 12 people.

Okay, enough about Elliott. My hand has been doing better, but still not totally better. I typed over 1,300 lines on Saturday and that's a lot, considering I average about 1,000 a day when my hand is feeling good. I typed an interview with a 78-year-old lady regarding a theft in her home and the interview was over an hour long. She had a list of maybe 10 items that were stolen and the interviewer needed to know things like how old the items were, how much they cost, if she had receipts for them, etc. and the whole thing would've only taken half as long if the old lady hadn't continually gone off on tangents about every. Single. Item.

The old lady wanted to tell the story of how each item had been acquired, and the interviewer kept having to steer her back towards just the facts that she needed. The lady had a knack for making up new words, too. Three of the things stolen were a "deumifier" (dehumidifier), a "colorvader" (cultivator) and a "tupoz" (topaz) ring. It's a good thing she made it entertaining for me because it took me a LONG time to type it. My hand didn't feel fantastic after all that, but it was okay. So I better give it a rest now and be ready for more typing tomorrow.