Movie, EMF and lipo thoughts
2006-06-26 - 5:16 p.m.

Last time I wrote, I forgot to mention that B and I went out to dinner and saw "The Breakup" last weekend. I was griping about how bored I've been and how it's driving me crazy, so B suggested we go out. I picked the movie, and unfortunately I didn't like it very much. I mean, I didn't hate it, but it was just okay. Even though they are a real-life couple, I find Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn don't make a believable couple. Especially since he's such an ass in this movie.

Anyway, it was fun to get out and go to the movie theater and then dinner. Our dinner was yummy and we ate outside on the restaurant's patio. Initially we were going to eat inside, but it was freaking freezing in there. We'd been sitting there for about five minutes and were starting to shiver, so we asked to go outside. That was much more comfortable.

I got all my prescriptions filled the other day and tried some El@vil for the first time the day before yesterday. So far, I'm not impressed. I took it before bedtime, because that is the usual dosing time, and it did help me sleep good that night, but I was SO sleepy all day yesterday. Now, of course, yesterday was grocery day so that probably has something to do with it, but usually I recover from that in the evening. This El@vil made me sleepy all day and it made my mouth so, so dry. Ugh.

I've been deadly tired all day today, too, though I think the El@vil has finally worn off, so I don't know what's going on with me today. Just having kind of a dreary, groggy weekend.

B sent in his test today for session 8 of his medical transcription training. There are a total of 18 sessions and they say each one will take approximately a month, so he's a couple months ahead of schedule. He's making good progress and he's been getting good grades, too. I think he'll finish ahead of schedule.

I now have 5 weeks and 1 day until lipo surgery. Part of the instructions they gave me say that I can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before, which is no surprise, but it also says that I must discontinue all use of asprin, ibuprofin, vitamin E and green tea 2 weeks prior to surgery. The no asprin part is going to be tough for me because Excedrin has asprin in it and I often use Excedrin for headaches. I decided to try something, though. In addition to asprin, Excedrin also has caffeine and acetaminophen, both of which will be okay for me to take. So the last time I had a headache I tried taking only caffeine and acetaminophen and it worked. Hopefully I won't get a lot of headaches during those 2 weeks prior to surgery, and hopefully those two ingredients by themselves will continue to work for me.

Starting this week, B and I will be attending the yearly EMF concerts here in town. (EMF is Eastern Music Festival.) B gets free tickets every year, in exchange for doing free framing for the folks in charge, so we get to see 5 concerts during the series. The ones that we picked worked out such that we'll be going to one concert each week until the end of July, so that will get me out of the house at least once a week. :)

One of the performers we're seeing is Amimee M@nn. Some of you "older" readers may recognize her name from the band 'Til Tuesd@y, which had a big hit with the song "Voices C@rry" in the early 80s. That should be a pretty cool show. We're also going to see a jazz musician that B likes named Benny Green. I bet both of those concerts will be sold out.

It worked out very well that I'm having my surgery on August 1 because the concert series will be over by then. I've really seen some amazing results at this lipo message board I've been visiting, so I'm hoping I'll get some really great results, too. Several people there are (were) built just like me and have gone from a size 12 or 10 pants to a size 4 or 6. Man, that would be so awesome. I know it's going to take time to see the final results, though, because of swelling afterwards. According to what I've seen/read, it can take upwards up 6 months to see the final results of lipo, so I'm just going to have to be patient. It's going to be tough, but it's so going to be worth it.