Work stuff and un-neighborly neighbors
2006-07-03 - 10:23 p.m.

Hope everyone is gearing up for a great 4th! Tomorrow night I'll be working some during the day and then at 9:00 p.m. we're seeing the Aimee Mann concert. Kinda sucks that we won't be able to see the fireworks show but the concert will probably be more fun. It'll last longer, at least.

B and I watched the movie Lawrence of Arabia today. This was a 4-hour movie and, because we took several breaks throughout, it took us half the day to watch it. One of the first things I noticed was that the guy who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars (Alec Guiness) played the character of an Arabian prince. Interesting to see a British guy playing an Arab; they made him up to look Arabian but he still sounded British. Reminds me of how Kevin Costner was the only character in the movie Robin Hood who didn't have a British accent. Well, except for Morgan Freeman, who wasn't supposed to be British.

Anyway, it was a loooong movie. B summed up my opinion of the movie when he said, "I guess this was a guy flick." It was a little boring to me at times, but interesting, too. During one of our breaks from watching, I was in the bathroom and I heard the doorbell ring. I heard B answer it and I heard him talking to someone, then when I came out B was just coming back in the front door. Our next-door neighbor had come over and, when B answered the door, said, "Why did you put your trash all over my yard?"

Our trash wasn't "all over" his yard; our trash cans were just a bit farther over towards his house than they usually are because N was over here mowing the grass and B moved them out of his way. All the trash was in the trash cans and nothing was scattered around his lawn, like his question seemed to indicate. For some reason he was being all pissy about the cans being in "his yard." I say "his yard" in parentheses because there's no fence between our yards so it's hard to say exactly whose yard they were in, but it's not like they were right in the middle of his lawn or something. They were right by the curb, for Pete's sake.

The only thing we can figure is he must've come home all pissed off about something already, seen our garbage cans where they were and that was the straw that broke the camel's back, so he came over here and took it out on B by being rude. Asshole.

I got a message this afternoon from someone who is another independent contractor for the same place I'm with and she asked if I'd gotten an email yesterday about a change in our pay rate. I didn't get any such email, but now I'm dying to know what's going on. Are we getting raises? Are we getting paycuts? Is this an email only she got? I gotta know!!!

I also realized that I never got my bi-monthly statement from them on Saturday. I was supposed to approve it and send it back by 3:00 today but I totally forgot until it was too late, which means I won't get paid until the end of the next pay period. Ugh. I'm not broke or anything, but it's the principle of the thing. Why did I never get my statement from them? If they'd sent it when they said they would then there'd have been no problem.

I did email them and tell them I never got my statement, but they're closed tomorrow for the holiday so I won't hear anything until Wednesday now. This is so aggravating.

Well, on the bright side, maybe I'll be getting a pay increase. I sure hope so.