Don't you like me anymore?
2006-10-17 - 11:51 a.m.

I did something today that I feel a little silly about.

Remember a few months ago a fellow Ayumi fan from Sweden went to see her in concert and sent me some concert goods? We'd been corresponding on a regular basis up until then, mostly about Ayumi stuff and other chit-chatty things, but not long after that I suddenly stopped hearing from him. I remember we happened to be at this Ayumi message board at the same time and we did a little live chatting there, and after that was when I stopped getting email from him.

I've written to him a couple times since then and he's answered, but only very briefly. The only conclusion I can come to is that I've somehow offended or angered him, but I have no idea what I did. It's been eating at me ever since and I've been trying to just ignore it, thinking that maybe he's just gotten busy with stuff or whatever, but today I decided to just flat-out ask him about it.

If for some reason he just suddenly found me annoying or irritating, that's one thing; I can't do anything about that. But if I've done something to upset him I want to know so I can avoid doing the same thing in the future. It's really disturbing to think that I've pissed someone off and I have no idea what I did.

And also, I miss corresponding with him. We often talked about Japanese, American and Swedish culture and language, and that was fun.

Something else I should add is that, during the past few months, he's become extremely popular at the Ayumi message board that we both visit. Possibly he's been so busy posting at this message board that he has no time for me anymore, or maybe that's part of the story at least. I don't know. I'm through trying to figure it out; that's why I just asked him.

I feel like a second-grader slipping a note to my friend in school that says, "Don't you like me anymore?" And what's worse is, now that I've asked, I'll be waiting in suspense until he answers. IF he answers. Is it unreasonable for me to want to know what happened?