Painting, sore muscles and cats
2007-02-09 - 7:12 p.m.

We had a very sucessful day of painting yesterday, and man am I sore today. B, N and I worked from about 10:00 to 3:00 with a lunch break thrown in there somewhere. We got a coat of pain done in the front hallway, finished up the primer in my bathroom and then got a coat of paint done in there. Both areas will need another coat in some areas, and we still need to prime and paint the kitchen. Ugh. I'm hoping N can come over and help us again with this painting, but it's hard to ask him again because he did it free of charge this time, just as a favor to us, God bless him.

My butt, back, quads, hamstrings are sore. Mostly my butt actually, from doing a lot of squatting and kneeling and other things I don't normally do for an extended period of time. I felt pretty good until about a half hour before we quit, then suddenly I felt really, really tired. Like, ready to fall into a coma tired. B had used the roller in my bathroom, then N and I were in there getting the corners and other small areas with paint brushes when B came in and reminded me that we still had to do our grocery shopping. X(

N left and we dragged out butts to the store and just barely made it home before we dropped, then we took a nap. We've been doing our grocery shopping on Thursday ever since Christmas and it's definitely less crowded then, but I still see these women with their tight, flared jeans, expensive coats, perfect hair and makeup and high-heeled boots getting their groceries. And there I was with my paint-smeared jeans, old gym shoes, hair in ponytails and no makeup. Two opposite ends of the spectrum there.

I somehow dripped some paint right on top of my head yesterday. I felt this blob hit me while I was reaching up to an area over my head and I ran over to the mirror to get it out as quickly as possible. Fortunately for me, it came right out with a wet paper towel.

This afternoon while I was eating lunch and watching TV I saw a little tiger-striped cat standing on the deck, peeking in through the sliding door. I went over to the door and talked to it, kind of loudly I guess, beause the door was shut, and I could see it was meowing at me. So I opened the door to go out there and pet it, and Miki must've heard me talking because she came flying in from wherever she was and made a beeline for this cat! I had to grab her to keep from running outside and the other cat got scared and ran off. I can't believe Miki. She's scared to death of people but not afraid at all of another cat.

I don't think she was going after the cat to attack it or anything like that; I think she just wanted to check him/her out. Miki doesn't have an aggressive bone in her little body. It made me sad that she scared the other cat off, though. I wanted to just say hi and pet it for a minute. I'm a sucker for cats that way. I've made B stop several times on walks we've taken around the neighbor so I can pet other people's cats that are outside.