I'm yard sale clueless
2007-04-11 - 4:34 p.m.

I had a pretty good time at the baseball game on Monday night, though it was cold, cold, cold and no matter how much alcohol I had I still wasn't warm enough. I definitely want to go back when it's warmer. E and I ended up leaving during the 6th inning because we just couldn't stand it anymore, so she drove me home and I had a big bowl of steaming ramen. :)

I'm one of those weird people who actually likes ramen. I lived at home in college so I didn't have to buy the cheapest thing at the grocery store to eat.

This coming Saturday we're planning to have a yard sale. It's a neighborhood-wide thing sponsored by the real estate agency our agent works for. B and I went through our closets on Monday and I pulled out probably half of my clothes to put in the yard sale. I have sizes varying from 8 to 12 and most things are in pretty good shape, so I'm hoping I can get some decent money for them. B has probably twice as much clothing for the yard sale as I do. We're also going to try to sell one of our couches, the spare bed/mattress and a coffee table.

I don't often go to yard sales so I'm kind of clueless about what to ask for my clothing items. Like I said, most of them are in very good shape, so I definitely think they're worth more than the average yard sale clothing, but what is an average going price? Can anybody help me with this? Most of what I'm selling is office-type attire - dress pants, skirts, knit tops, a couple suits and a couple oddball items like a formal dress and a nightie. I was thinking $5 for most items and maybe $10 for the suits and the formal dress.

Please leave me a note or email me if you have any suggestions/ideas. TIA!