Movies and part-time hours
2007-05-25 - 8:20 p.m.

B and I got our hair cuts as scheduled on Wednesday and I asked for the cut in the picture in my last entry and...I think it turned out pretty nice. Ironically, I think B likes it even more than I do, and this is the guy who liked me with long hair. My hair had grown a lot and was probably about half way down my back again, so I guess I had four or maybe five inches cut off the longest parts. It's quite a change. Maybe I'll get B to take a picture of me if you all want to see. The only part I don't like is that I think it makes me look older. No more clerks at the grocery are going to guess that I'm 22 anymore. :(

After B and I had a long talk last night, B decided to go to part time at his job instead of full time. The hours he had were just killing him and he was having to spend extra time outside of work doing work-related things because he didn't have time during his workday. Plus they were giving him way too many different doctors to transcribe for and it was just too much all at once for someone like him, just starting out.

He was almost ready to quit, but instead he talked to his supervisor first and explained the problems he's having and they agreed that he should go to part time. Now instead of working noon-9:00 p.m. he's working 11:00-6:00 p.m. and he actually only needs to be logged in for a total of four hours during that time.

He's already feeling a lot let stressed and I think this is going to be a lot better for him. I thought it was kind of cruel to make him work an 8-hour day right off the bat. I mean, I couldn't have done it when I was first starting out in transcription. It took me several months to work up to doing the amount of work I'm doing now, and even so, I don't work 8 hours a day. I can't handle much more than 5-6 hours a day.

I'm going to the movies again this Sunday with E, P and G. E is totally in love with J@ck Sparrow and has been since the first Pir@tes of the Carribean movie came out, so we're seeing the third movie Sunday. I guess it must be opening weekend for this movie because E thinks it might be sold out, so she's getting our tickets Sunday morning. I didn't get a headache when B and I went to the movies on Monday, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Sunday will be headache-free, too.