2007-06-04 - 8:06 p.m.

Between the two of us, my contact person at The Potential New Job (TPNJ) and I have emailed back and forth a half dozen times today. She first emailed me with a document outlining the job, the pay, the various rules and requirements, etc. and asked me to read it over and, if I was cool with everything, to let her know and we'd proceed to their pre-screening testing. The other emails were trying to figure out a time for me to take this test, which is now set up for Friday at 1:00 p.m. I'm expecting one more email telling me whatever I need to know to take their test. I'm so nervous already.

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I've been feeling really sleepy lately. I've been having trouble sleeping because restless leg has been waking me up and won't let me get back to sleep, so I've been taking various things to help me sleep before bed. Ironically, these make me sleepy part or most of the following day, so either way I'm gonna be sleepy. The stuff that helps me sleep best is El@vil and this, of course, is the stuff that makes me the groggiest the following day.

Because of this I've been slacking in the exercise department, but I'm hoping to get back on the ball starting tomorrow. I just couldn't bring myself to get on the treadmill or even take a walk around the block today. Instead, I sat on the deck and read a book for a while.

We did our grocery shopping this morning, so then B spent some time making spaghetti sauce. He makes his own because he can't eat anything from the store. He came out on the deck with me for a little while after it got cloudy (he gets sunburned really easily) and then it started raining, so we both came in and played a few hands of rummy. This is something I didn't know how to play until last night, when B taught me. We often play Go Fish together, but he suggested we try something new. So far I'm not very good at it, but I enjoyed learning a new game.

Here's the song I currently can't get out of my head: