A meme and weight loss tactics
2007-07-19 - 6:31 p.m.

Because I'm a dork and I like memes, I took this one from Heather's diary (there's a real entry at the bottom):

1. Were you named after anyone?

I don't think so. I was told that my dad came up with my name kind of on the spur of the moment right after I was born, even though Mom and Dad already had something else picked out.

2. When was the last time you cried?

Probably the last time I watched TV. Everything makes me cry.

3. Do you like your handwriting?

It's okay. I don't hate it.

4. What is your favorite lunchmeat?

Roast beef or salami.

5. Do you have kids?


6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

I think so.

7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Not a lot, but sometimes.

8. Do you still have your tonsils?


9. Would you bungee jump?

Absolutely not. I'm a chicken.

10. What is your favorite cereal?

Fruity Pebbles, but I don't get it very often. Too much sugar/calories.

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

If they have laces, yeah.

12. Do you think you are strong?

Not really.

13. What is your favorite ice cream?

Rocky Road.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?

If we're talking, I notice if they look me in the eye or not. If not taking, probably their hair.

15. Red or pink?


16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself?

My body.

17. Who do you miss the most?

My cat that died.

18. Do you want everyone to send this back to you?

Doesn't apply.

19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?

No shoes on right now, just white socks, and I'm wearing sand-colored capris.

20. What was the last thing you ate?

A pita sandwich with hummus, avacado and egg (I know, weird).

21. What are you listening to right now?

Nothing, which is suprising because I'm almost always listening to music if I'm not working.

22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


23. Favorite smells?

Gardenia, chocolate, cinnamon, the fireplace and B.

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

The nurse at my OB/GYN's office.

25. Do you like the person who sent this to you?

Nobody sent it to me. :P

26. Favorite sports to watch?

I like going to some sporting events, like baseball, basketball and hockey, but I don't really like watching them on TV.

27. Hair color?

Medium brown.

28. Eye color?

Dark brown. Or as an ex-boyfriend once described them "dirt brown" or "shit brown."

29. Do you wear contacts?

No because I can't handle the idea of sticking something in my eye like that. Creeps me out, so I wear glasses instead.

30. Favorite food?


31. Scary movies or happy ending?

Happy endings.

32. Last movie you watched?


33. What color shirt are you wearing?

White with pink image on the front.

34. Summer, or winter?

Summer all the way. Hate being cold.

35. Hugs, or kisses?


36. Favorite dessert?

Chocolate cake, baklava, pecan pie.

37. Most likely to respond?

Well, nobody since I didn't send it today anyone.

38. Least likely to respond?

Not applicable.

39. What book are you reading right now?

Nothing at the moment BUT my Harry Potter book is due to arrive on Saturday. Whoo!

40. What is on your mouse pad?

It's a Wacom drawing tablet with a cordless mouse.

41. What did you watch on TV last night?

Bunch of stuff that B and I had recorded: Doctor Who, some Comedy Central special, and part of a Braves game with the Weather Channel in between.

42. Favorite sound?

Rain falling outside, bamboo windchimes, the cats making their little noises, Ayumi singing.

43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?


44. What is the furthest you've been away from home?

The California coast when I was very little is probably the farthest distance-wise from where I am, but I've also been to Canada, Mexico and Honduras (port of call on a cruise).

45. Do you have a special talent?

I can do some good impressions sometimes, I can put my fist in my mouth, I can do a weird cartoon voice and I can remember faces really well.

46. Where were you born?


47. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?

Not applicable.

I've now gotten my third batch of files from the new place and it's still going pretty well with them, I think. I had my first interpreted file from them in my last batch and it was kinda rough because I'm not familiar with their rules and their guide didn't cover some situations that arose in the recording. I'll do better with those once I'm more used to it. Even with that, I think I'm doing pretty well speed-wise with the work. Knowing the insurance terminology and having shortcuts already has really helped.

Can't remember if I mentioned this, but I called my OB/GYN's office last week and asked about getting some kind of weight loss prescription. I forgot to ask about it while I was there for my appointment (doh!) and unfortunately the doctor is now out of town until the end of the week, so I'm supposed to get a call back next weekn sometime.

In the meantime, B got online and found a couple supplements for me to try. First let me say that yes, I have been watching what I'm eating and working out. I do cardio and weight training on alternating days 5 or 6 days a week and I do some pretty intense cardio; one mile as fast as I can on the treadmill and then usually another mile around the neighborhood with B at a somewhat slower pace. I've not been losing weight. :(

I found a website that had info about studies on over-the-counter weight loss supplements and it was very helpful. It specifically listed ones that were proven to be sucessful and two of them were ephendr!ne and hoodi@, so B got me a bottle of each from some online vitamin/supplement store. I got the ephedr!ne first and started taking that yesterday and predictably, I feel a bit jittery.

I tried a product called Met@bol!fe years ago when it had ephedr!ne in it or mu@h hung (are they the same thing?) and it did work, but only for about a week. I've never tried hoodi@ though, but I've certainly heard of it. The website I found said to get it in it's pure form, not mixed with other supplements, so that's what B got me. My body seems to kind of acclimate to any new thing I try after about a week and then it won't work anymore, so I'm going to try taking both of them on alternating days to hopefully keep that from happening.

This probably isn't the healthiest thing to do, but I'm already doing the healthy stuff and it's not working. It's like my body has to be tricked into losing weight. I'm really hoping I can lose a significant amount by my birthday next month, just as a short-term goal. I'm going to be 35 this year and it will be a little easier to bear if I'm at least 35 and skinny(er).